Promotion of original project and choreographers’ initiatives by leading
professionals and Yael staff, from project conceptualization to completion:
 Body | Dance | Place – a project supported by the Jerusalem Foundation and
the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, providing a platform for a year-
long process bridging between students at the faculty of Dance at the
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, and the Jerusalem Choreographers
Association, training the future generation and preparing them for all aspects
of the professional world.
The final project was comprised of 8 location-dependent walkabout events,
presenting dance and performance pieces that explore and interact with the
city of Jerusalem. The event was attended by hundreds of visitors from all
over the country. Seven location-dependent works, created by 7 Jerusalemite
choreographers and 16 dancers, were presented in a variety of art and culture
centers and public spaces in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
The project was designed to increase and empower the community of
choreographers who study, live and operate in Jerusalem, through promotion
of initiatives, collaborations, training, exposure, and community involvement.
 Promotion and assistance for religious and Jewish-orthodox artists –
professional guidance and development of initiatives by Jewish-orthodox
choreographers, for the religious audience, helping them make their original
work accessible to the Jewish-orthodox audience.
 Dance feedback – a project supported by the Jerusalem Foundation.
Providing artists with studios for artistic work before presentations, as well as
feedback by leading professionals in their field, promoting budding and in-
progress works with the goal of realizing their potential prior to public
presentation before institutions, festivals or audiences.
 Community START ART – a platform for dance artists to present their work
in the community by holding a series of professional, location-dependent
dance and performance shows throughout the public and business sphere in
Jerusalem’s neighborhoods, in a manner that effects the city and its residents,
bringing professional art closer to home – to the greater public in the
neighborhoods (6-9 neighborhoods per year, with new choreographers and
performers joining the exposure initiative).

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