Body | Dance | Place – performance meets city 2018

  Body | Dance | Place – a walkabout collaboration event between location-dependent dance works interacting with Jerusalem. Body | Dance | Place is the flagship project of the Department of Dance, Division of Culture and Arts at the Jerusalem municipality. The project connects between excelling students of the Faculty of Dance at the Jerusalem […]

Beit Yael Choreographers perform at Between Heaven and Earth Festival

As part of Between Heaven and Earth Festival, members of Yaelcommunity participated in a special event showcasing three premiers bycommunity member artists: Dana Naim Hafouta and her work ‘Slits,’ insearch of the music of grandmothers; Mia Reshef and her work ‘The String’sEdge,’ which follows the generational exchange between a creating motherand her creating daughter; and […]

Dance series at Beit Mazya

Choreographers from the Yael community performed in a dance series at BeitMazya.As part of a dance series in Beit Mazya, Yael community members performedthree shows and an exhibition.In participation of Yael members: Mia Reshef, Annabelle Dvir and SofiaKrantz.Produced by Yael – Home for Independent Dance Creators in Jerusalem.