Artistic collaborations and exposures to audiences and leading figures in the field

Artistic collaborations and exposures to audiences and leading figures in the field Community members perform on city stages as part of festivals and independent productions. Yael has made it its goal to promote opportunities among community members and independent dance artists in Jerusalem, helping them expose their work on different stages throughout the city, meet […]

Promotion of original project and choreographers’ initiatives

Promotion of original project and choreographers’ initiatives by leading professionals and Yael staff, from project conceptualization to completion: Body | Dance | Place – a project supported by the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, providing a platform for a year-long process bridging between students at the faculty of Dance at […]

Continuing training and master classes

Training and master classes take place throughout the year. The content of these sessions is determined by a steering committee comprised of Yael’s executive board and community members, and is based on a feedback questionnaire filled by the artists, as well as by needs that arise from the field and examined annually. These provide an […]

Space of action and creation

Choreographers, dance and performance artists, members of the Yael community, enjoy the opportunity to use the rehearsal spaces offered by Beit Yael (Yael, Elharizi and Gonenim) as locations for work, creation and performance: Use of rehearsal spaces enables members of the Yael community to leverage this support and expand the range of their work, gain […]

Community team-building and empowerment

Some 25 active artists take regular part in the activity. Beit Yael aims to expand the community and create a sense of belonging, bond and mutual support between its members via the following activities: *Steering committee meetings: the steering committee is comprised of the Beit Yael director and community members; it promotes these goals via […]


Neighborhood dance and performance enterprises, an initiative by the Department of Dance at the Jerusalem municipality, in collaboration with Yael – Home for Independent Dance Artists in Jerusalem. Twice a year, for three days, neighborhood commercial complexes become arenas for lively dance and performance shows, creating a cultural-artistic space and bringing together dance artists and […]

הפקות מקור- סדרת מחול במזי"א 2019

ארבע בכורות במחול ופרפורמנס בחללי התאטרון בהשתתפות היוצרים: נטע פולבמכר, לירון בן יעקב, דניאל למנסדרוף, ישי כרסנתי ומירה רובינשטיין ניהול אמנותי: מרים אנגל בהפקת יעל- בית ליוצרי מחול עצמאיים בירושלים יוני 2019

Body | Dance | Place – performance meets city 2018

  Body | Dance | Place – a walkabout collaboration event between location-dependent dance works interacting with Jerusalem. Body | Dance | Place is the flagship project of the Department of Dance, Division of Culture and Arts at the Jerusalem municipality. The project connects between excelling students of the Faculty of Dance at the Jerusalem […]

Beit Yael Choreographers perform at Between Heaven and Earth Festival

As part of Between Heaven and Earth Festival, members of Yaelcommunity participated in a special event showcasing three premiers bycommunity member artists: Dana Naim Hafouta and her work ‘Slits,’ insearch of the music of grandmothers; Mia Reshef and her work ‘The String’sEdge,’ which follows the generational exchange between a creating motherand her creating daughter; and […]