Yael – Home for Independent Dance Artists in Jerusalem in a series of
intimate shows, presenting budding and guest works. The public is invited to
be a passing guest in the art space – a place usually attended solely by artists
– and participate in a discourse with the choreographers and creative
directors about the process of creation and performance.
This series allows independent dance artists to present works in progress,
under the supervision of leading creative directors, and enables veteran
artists present portions of their performance.
The public is invited to take part in the artistic process and participate in a
fruitful, bonding discourse with the artists.
With the help of the dance artists, Yael wishes to open up the creative
process to the environment in which we operate, empowering the dance
artists’ community.
Fringe Dance Talks, September 2017
Goofi by Roni Hadash | guest performance
Kalahat by Doran Dvir | work in progress
In His Image (BeTzalmo BeDmuto) by Amir Meital | work in progress

Fringe Dance Talks, November 2017
Between Us (Beineinu) by Gil Kerer | guest performance
Israeli Trio by Miriam Engle | work in progress
Don’t You Fuck with My Energy by Gali Kinkolkin and Hadas Feder | work in
Creative directors: Mia Yogel and Sahar Azimi

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